Facial treatment in Copenhagen K – pHformula Skin Resurfacing

We offer facial treatments in Copenhagen K at our clinic. On this page you can read about our treatments with pHformula. pHformula is the first pharma-cosmeceutical treatment system that is the result of an innovative alliance between cosmeceutical and medical prescriptions. Treatments and products are based on the technology behind “regenerative medicine”; the process where damaged cells are replaced by new ones or the skin is stimulated to repair itself. If you would like to hear more about our facial treatment with pHformula products, please contact us on +45 20 835 834, or you can book an appointment directly on this page.

Skin Resurfacing – Facial treatment in Copenhagen K

Skin Resurfacing means rebuilding/restoring the top layer of the skin – the epidermis and dermis. pHformula contains a unique combination of alpha keto, alpha hydroxy, alpha beta and poly hydroxy acids. PH-DVC is an advanced “delivery system” that transports acids, vitamins, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients safely and in a controlled manner into the skin. pHformula is particularly effective against several common skin problems, such as:
– A.G.E. – Mature, aged, prematurely aged skin. Incipient lines and wrinkles, spider veins and scattered pigment spots (liver spots)
– M.E.L.A. – Hyperpigmentation. Pigment spots caused by excessive sun exposure and hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause, birth control pills and stress, for example).
– A.C.N.E. – Acne, impure skin, oily skin. Coarse, “open” pores and superficial scars.
– C.R. – Chronic redness, spider veins, predisposed to rosacea and impure skin with a lot of redness.

Add-on treatments for facials:

– Extra deep cleansing 150,-
– Microdermabrasion 250,-
– LED Light Therapy 225,-
– Neck & Décoletté acid and mask 195,-
– Shoulder, neck and scalp massage 125,-
– Eyelash tinting 195,-
– Eyebrow tinting or brow shaping 195,-
– Eyelash and brow tinting and brow shaping 345
– Eyelash and brow tinting 260,-
N.B. Prices only apply in connection with a facial treatment.

Changes at the cellular level – Facial in Copenhagen K

pHformula Controlled Skin Resurfacing is an accelerated form of exfoliation and should not be confused with a peel. Common chemical peels often cause subsequent exfoliation/peeling, and many people mistakenly believe that the effectiveness can and should be measured by how severe/violent this peeling is.

With pHformula, the change/resurfacing occurs at the cellular level and is therefore not always visible to the naked eye. Slight flaking may occur, but it is far from certain and does not affect the final result.
